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commercial operator中文是什么意思

用"commercial operator"造句"commercial operator"怎么读"commercial operator" in a sentence


  • 商用管制员


  • Commercial operator of heavy lift helicopters , specializing in petroleum exploration , construction , fire fighting and forestry
  • The faa said in a draft proposal last week that commercial operators would have to advise passengers about all safety risks , including the number of flights by the space vehicle and the number of problems experienced on the ground and during flight
    州的飞行基地进行训练,最终实现飞上太空的梦想。另据报道,联邦航空管理局太空游法规中的要求包括: 1将可能遇到的危险事先通知太空游客。
  • Article 29 the present regulations apply to all enterprises with ownership by the whole people , enterprises with ownership by the collective , individual industrial and commercial operators as well as the chinese - foreign equity joint ventures , contractual joint ventures , and foreign - capital enterprises
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